Nice Airport, Cote D\'Azur (NCE/LFMN)


Airport Cote D\'Azur is located in France near the city of Nice. The international codes of Cote D\'Azur airport are ICAO: LFMN and IATA: . Cote D\'Azur is located at latitude 43.6584 and longitude 7.21587. The elevation above sea level is 12ft (4m). Local timezone at the airport is UTC/GMT +2:00 hours.

Airport Information

Airport name

Cote D\'Azur

Main City



country France






12ft (4m)

Latitude, Longitude
43.6584, 7.21587
Local time
12:29 Sat, 27 Jul
Europe/Paris, +2h


Cote D\'Azur Airport Arrivals

Flight Time From
12:30 countryMontreal ()
12:40 countryCologne ()
12:40 countryMunich ()
12:40 countryCalvi ()
12:40 countryFigari ()
12:45 countryStavanger ()
12:45 countryCopenhagen ()
12:50 countryTbilisi ()
13:05 countryLondon ()
13:05 countryAthens ()
13:05 countryBrussels ()
13:05 countryLiverpool ()
13:05 countryRome ()
13:10 countryMontreal ()
13:15 countryParis ()
13:15 countryPalma de Mallorca ()
13:20 countryHamburg ()
13:20 countryFrankfurt ()
13:25 countryKuwait ()
13:25 countryParis ()
13:25 countryToulouse ()
13:30 countryParis ()
13:30 countryMarrakech ()
13:35 countryVienna ()
13:40 countryTbilisi ()
13:40 countryDubai ()
13:40 countryMalaga ()
13:45 countryParis ()
13:45 countryParis ()
13:50 countryAmsterdam ()
13:55 countryLondon ()
14:05 countryZurich ()
14:10 countryVienna ()
14:10 countryDoha ()
14:25 countryBelgrade ()
14:30 countryParis ()
14:30 countryRome ()
14:30 countryCopenhagen ()
14:35 countryVilnius ()
14:40 countryDublin ()
14:40 countryParis ()
14:45 countryParis ()
14:50 countryLondon ()
14:51 countryAmsterdam ()
14:55 countrySofia ()
15:10 countryMonastir ()
15:10 countryNaples ()
15:12 countryBarcelona ()
15:17 countryNewark ()
15:20 countryTunis ()
15:25 countryBordeaux ()
15:40 countryLondon ()
15:50 countryBarcelona ()
15:50 countryBarcelona ()
16:00 countryRiga ()
16:10 countryBastia ()
16:25 countryAmsterdam ()
16:26 countryKuwait ()
16:40 countryParis ()
16:40 countryLisbon ()
16:40 countryFigari ()
16:45 countryLiverpool ()
16:50 countryStockholm ()
17:00 countryParis ()
17:00 countryBrussels ()
17:05 countryConstantine ()
17:05 countryGeneva ()
17:20 countryMunich ()
17:20 countryLisbon ()
17:35 countryLondon ()
17:35 countryPalma de Mallorca ()
17:40 countryBrive ()
17:40 countryBrive ()
17:40 countryIstanbul ()
18:05 countryPalma de Mallorca ()
18:10 countryAthens ()
18:15 countryMadrid ()
18:15 countryFrankfurt ()
18:20 countryZurich ()
18:25 countryDuesseldorf ()
18:25 countryBeirut ()
18:29 countryIstanbul ()
18:35 countryRome ()
18:40 countryAmsterdam ()
18:45 countryMalaga ()
18:45 countryWarsaw ()
18:50 countryLondon ()
18:55 countryHelsinki ()
19:00 countryParis ()
19:05 countrySandefjord ()
19:10 countryCasablanca ()
19:10 countryAjaccio ()
19:15 countryTunis ()
19:20 countryCopenhagen ()
19:20 countryBastia ()
19:40 countryOslo ()
19:50 countryCopenhagen ()
19:55 countryLondon ()
20:05 countryParis ()
20:10 countryChania ()
20:30 countryWarsaw ()
20:45 countryLondon ()
20:45 countryOslo ()
20:45 countryVienna ()
20:45 countryBergen ()
20:50 countryLondon ()
20:50 countryCopenhagen ()
20:50 countryBordeaux ()
21:00 countryCopenhagen ()
21:05 countryLondon ()
21:10 countryStockholm ()
21:10 countryGeneva ()
21:15 countryBarcelona ()
21:30 countryMulhouse ()
21:30 countryBristol ()
22:15 countryTenerife ()
22:15 countryLondon ()
22:25 countryAmsterdam ()
22:35 countryZurich ()
22:45 countryRome ()
22:55 countryMarrakech ()
23:05 countryParis ()
23:15 countryMunich ()
23:25 countryAthens ()
23:30 countryParis ()
23:30 countryIbiza ()
23:45 countryLondon ()
23:55 countryLisbon ()
00:05 countryMadrid ()

Cote D\'Azur Airport Departures

Flight Time To
12:30 countryParis ()
12:30 countryMonaco ()
12:30 countryBastia ()
12:35 countryMadrid ()
12:40 countryOslo ()
12:45 countryParis ()
12:45 countryParis ()
12:50 countryLondon ()
13:00 countryPhiladelphia ()
13:00 countryMonaco ()
13:10 countryConstantine ()
13:10 countryTenerife ()
13:20 countryCologne ()
13:25 countryMunich ()
13:30 countryMonaco ()
13:30 countryCalvi ()
13:30 countryFigari ()
13:35 countryCopenhagen ()
13:40 countryStavanger ()
13:40 countryRome ()
13:45 countryMalaga ()
13:45 countryLiverpool ()
13:50 countryChania ()
13:55 countryBerlin ()
13:55 countryParis ()
14:00 countryLondon ()
14:00 countryNew York ()
14:00 countryHamburg ()
14:00 countryToulouse ()
14:00 countryMonaco ()
14:05 countryParis ()
14:10 countryPalma de Mallorca ()
14:10 countryFrankfurt ()
14:10 countryPalma de Mallorca ()
14:10 countryVienna ()
14:15 countryMontreal ()
14:15 countryParis ()
14:15 countryParis ()
14:20 countryAmsterdam ()
14:25 countryLondon ()
14:30 countryMonaco ()
14:35 countryParis ()
14:40 countryTbilisi ()
14:40 countryTbilisi ()
14:50 countryParis ()
14:50 countryZurich ()
14:55 countryVienna ()
15:00 countryMonaco ()
15:00 countryBelgrade ()
15:15 countryParis ()
15:15 countryVilnius ()
15:20 countryRome ()
15:20 countryDublin ()
15:20 countryCopenhagen ()
15:25 countryParis ()
15:30 countryMonaco ()
15:30 countrySofia ()
15:35 countryParis ()
15:35 countryMontreal ()
15:55 countryLondon ()
15:55 countryDubai ()
16:00 countryDoha ()
16:00 countryMonaco ()
16:05 countryBordeaux ()
16:10 countryMonastir ()
16:15 countryLondon ()
16:20 countryTunis ()
16:20 countryMarrakech ()
16:25 countryBarcelona ()
16:25 countryBarcelona ()
16:30 countryMonaco ()
17:00 countryPrague ()
17:00 countryMonaco ()
17:05 countryBastia ()
17:10 countryAmsterdam ()
17:15 countryFigari ()
17:20 countryBordeaux ()
17:25 countryAthens ()
17:30 countryLiverpool ()
17:30 countryMonaco ()
17:35 countryGeneva ()
17:40 countryStockholm ()
17:45 countryParis ()
17:50 countryBrussels ()
18:00 countryMunich ()
18:00 countryMonaco ()
18:05 countryAlgier ()
18:05 countryLisbon ()
18:20 countryBrive ()
18:20 countryBrive ()
18:25 countryMykonos ()
18:30 countryLondon ()
18:30 countryMonaco ()
18:35 countryIstanbul ()
18:40 countryIbiza ()
18:55 countryMadrid ()
18:55 countryFrankfurt ()
19:00 countryMonaco ()
19:05 countryAthens ()
19:05 countryDuesseldorf ()
19:10 countryZurich ()
19:25 countryRome ()
19:25 countryAmsterdam ()
19:30 countryMalaga ()
19:30 countryBeirut ()
19:30 countryIbiza ()
19:30 countryMonaco ()
19:40 countryWarsaw ()
19:45 countryHelsinki ()
19:50 countryParis ()
19:55 countryLondon ()
20:00 countryMonaco ()
20:00 countrySandefjord ()
20:10 countryCasablanca ()
20:10 countryBerlin ()
20:10 countryCopenhagen ()
20:10 countryTunis ()
20:10 countryAjaccio ()
20:20 countryBastia ()
20:30 countryOslo ()
20:30 countryLondon ()
20:30 countryMonaco ()
20:40 countryCopenhagen ()
21:05 countryWarsaw ()
21:25 countryOslo ()
21:30 countryVienna ()
21:35 countryLondon ()
21:35 countryLisbon ()
21:35 countryLondon ()
21:35 countryBergen ()
21:40 countryLondon ()
21:40 countryCopenhagen ()
21:40 countryCopenhagen ()
21:50 countryChisinau ()
21:50 countryGeneva ()
21:55 countryBarcelona ()
22:05 countryStockholm ()
22:05 countryMulhouse ()
22:25 countryBristol ()
22:45 countryLondon ()

Cote D\'Azur Airport Map


Closest airports to Cote D\'Azur
Monaco, 18 km
France, 25 km
France, 47 km
France, 78 km
Italy, 85 km
Italy, 104 km
France, 107 km
France, 124 km
France, 150 km
Italy, 154 km